Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Awake Your Inner Power...

Power , This word is very nice and Every body like this word because Power means "Ability To Shake World And Rotate The World On A Finger".

but you know , The God given power to us but we don't know that things and people who knows this thing can't try to awake it. In the world, There is few people who awake their power
and show this power before the world and wrote their name on history book by Golden Ink Pen.

But we never try to read or analyze the life story of these Great People.The main reason or main
weapon of their life's success is "Inner Power" of their body and soul.

Many times we say...
"Sorry, I can't do it."
"Sorry, I don't know ."
"Sorry, I am not able to do."

All above statements comes when our mind and our body are not on same path .
If you have control on your mind then you can do any things because we gets power
from mind but not from hand and any other part of body.

If mind decided any things to do, that task will be completed surely even if it is like impossible but if mind decided not to do then easy task will not be completed......

All great person in world said that "Awake your inner power and inner powers are in your mind so keep control on your mind and uses it on maximum times."

For Example :


one day Swamin Vivikanand was trying to focus and controlling his mind but his mind wasnot controlled and whenever he closed his eye so different thoughts and picture came in his mind then he put red chilli in his eye to punish his mind.

because swami vivikanand knew that "If he control mind then he can get any things and can do any things."


In Gita Holly book of hindu religion , The God Krishana said that " The hardest work in the world
is controlling mind and if any person has ability to control his mind then he can get and do any things in world and surely he will get success."

Finally "Power is in mind but not in any other part of body." so awake it.

1 comment:

  1. its said that that human being hardly uses the power of their brain more than 2% or less. Albert Einstein used it 4% and it became the history, his brain is still being researched all across the world.

    So where does the 98% unused power of brain goes, all in vein, If we increase the usage of it by some 0.01, we can change the world,

    To do so, we have to take the pain of thinking, dreaming and running for those dreams...

    check my blog mymotivationguru.blogspot.com for similar kind of thoughts
